- 名称:八年级英语下册教案Review of units 1-5
- 类型:初二英语教案
- 授权方式:免费版
- 更新时间:10-18 21:14:42
- 下载要求:无需注册
- 下载次数:6422次
- 语言简体中文
- 大小:23.0 KB
- 推荐度:2 星级
《八年级英语下册教案Review of units 1-5》下载简介
八年级英语下册教案Review of units 1-5Teaching contents: Review of units 1-5(SB Page 40-43) . Teaching procedures: Step 1 Leading in SB Page 40 , 1a .Ask Ss to do the crossword individually .Correct the answers . SB Page 40 , 1b . 1. Have Ss understand what they need to do by explaining the example . 2. Ask Ss to do the activity in pairs . 3. Ask several pairs to share their clues with the class .Let the ot,
名称:八年级英语下册教案Review of units 1-5,我们己经对八年级英语下册教案Review of units 1-5进行杀毒,以保证您的安全下载八年级英语下册教案Review of units 1-5,下载的压缩文件如果需要密码那就是 http://www.wenxue9.com,八年级英语下册教案Review of units 1-5的文件大小为23.0 KB。
Tag:初二英语教案,八年级上册英语教案,初中英语教案,教案下载 - 英语教案 - 初二英语教案
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