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小学英语阅读 Dont Give Up

[03-21 16:23:57]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  英语阅读   阅读:8822

概要:Don't Give Up If we should ever accomplish anything in life, let us not forget that we must persevere. 不要忘记,在人生的道路上,要想做成什么事,我们必须持之以恒。 If we would learn our lessons in school, we must be diligent and not give up whenever we come to anything difficult. 如果我们在学校里想要学好功课,就必须得勤奋,任何时候遇到难题都不要放弃。 We shall find many of our lessons very hard, but let us consider that the harder they are the better they will do to us if we will persevere and learn them thoroughly. 我们会发现,许多功课非常难,但是我们得记住,那些功课越难,将

小学英语阅读 Dont Give Up,标签:小学英语阅读100篇,小学英语阅读课教案,http://www.wenxue9.com
Don't Give Up

If we should ever accomplish anything in life, let us not forget that we must persevere.

If we would learn our lessons in school, we must be diligent and not give up whenever we come to anything difficult.

We shall find many of our lessons very hard, but let us consider that the harder they are the better they will do to us if we will persevere and learn them thoroughly.

But there are some among us who are ready to give up when they come to a hard example in mathematics, and say, "I can't do this."

They never will if they feel so.

I can't never did anything worth while; but I'll try accomplish wonders.

Let us remember that we shall meet with difficulties all through life.

They are in the pathway of everyone.

If we will only try and keep trying, we shall be sure to conquer and overcome every difficulty we meet with.

If we have a hard lesson today, let us strive to learn it well and then we shall be prepared for a harder one tomorrow.

And if we learn to master hard lessons in school, it will prepare us to overcome the hard things that we shall meet in life, when our school days are over.
Tag:英语阅读小学英语阅读100篇,小学英语阅读课教案英语教学 - 小学英语 - 英语阅读

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