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中考英语试题时态分类 现在进行时

[03-22 16:38:40]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  初中英语语法   阅读:8674

概要:中考英语语法时态分类 现在进行时 1. Where's Tom'? His mother __ him now. 【2011北京】A. is looking for B. will look for C. has looked for D. Looks for2.— What is Tom doing now? —He ______ basketball over there. 【2011山东】A. is playing B. will play C. has played D. was playing3. —What’s the weather like?—Oh, it ___ outside. Take an umbrella with you.【2011辽宁大连】 A. rains B. is raining C. was rainin

中考英语试题时态分类 现在进行时,标签:初中英语语法大全,初中英语语法讲解,http://www.wenxue9.com

中考英语语法时态分类 现在进行时

1. Where's Tom'?  His mother __     him now. 【2011北京】

A. is looking for       B. will look for     C. has looked for      D. Looks for

2.— What is Tom doing now?   —He ______ basketball over there. 【2011山东】

A. is playing            B. will play              C. has played             D. was playing

3. —What’s the weather like?

—Oh, it ___ outside. Take an umbrella with you.【2011辽宁大连】

    A. rains            B. is raining     C. was raining     D. rained

4. You can’t use the bathroom right now.  Robbie ______ a shower. 【2011湖南张家界】

    A. takes             B. will take         C. is taking

5. Look! The boys _______ football on the playground. 【2011广西桂林】  

A. plays                B. play                      C. are playing          D. played

6. Don't make so much noise. The children _______an English lesson. 【2011黑龙江绥化市】

A. have             B. are having        C. were having

7. Today is Women's Day. My father and I __ a special gift for my mother now.【2011•四川南充】

A. make            B. made            C. are making

8.—What’s that noise? —Oh, I forgot to tell you. The neighbors __ for a party. 【2011四川资阳】

 A. prepare           B. are preparing      C. will prepare      D. have prepared

9.----Where is Michael?    ----He ____TV at home , I think. 【2011广西崇左】

   A. watches          B. watched           C. is watching      D. was watching    

10. Listen! The phone ___. Please go to answer it. 【2011辽宁沈阳】

A. rings            B. is ringing          C. rang            D. will ring

13. — Please turn off the radio, grandma ___now. —OK, I'll do it right now. 【2011广西梧州】

A. is sleeping        B. will sleep         C. slept             D. sleeps

14. —What are you doing?  —I’m ________ TV. 【2011湖南湘西】

   A. watching         B. watches          C. watched

15.The workers    _a new bridge now. The traffic in Guangzhou will be better soon.

A. build           B. were building           C. built          D. are building

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