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流行英语口语 商业信函用语

[03-22 17:36:47]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  英语口语   阅读:8424

概要:非常感谢您给予我们的合作。 Thank you very much for your cooperation. 谢谢您提供给我们这样服务的机会。 Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. 我们感谢能有这样的机会去…… We appreciate this opportunity to... Thank you for this opportunity to... 很高兴和你们保持贸易关系。 It is always a pleasure doing business with you. It is always a pleasure serving you. It is always a pleasure to serve you. ●表示歉意 请接受我们诚挚的歉意。 Please accept our sincere apologies. *最后再一次重申,表达自己的歉意。accept “(就……给予)承认,接受”。 我以我个人的身

流行英语口语 商业信函用语,标签:英语口语练习资料,英语口语训练,http://www.wenxue9.com
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.
We appreciate this opportunity to...
Thank you for this opportunity to...
It is always a pleasure doing business with you.
It is always a pleasure serving you.
It is always a pleasure to serve you.

Please accept our sincere apologies. *最后再一次重申,表达自己的歉意。accept “(就……给予)承认,接受”。
I want to extend my personal apologies for...

We wish you a bright and successful New Year.
We trust that an increase in ... will continue in the future.
We trust that an increase in sales will continue in the future. (我们确信今后销售量将继续不断地增加。)

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Tag:英语口语英语口语练习资料,英语口语训练英语教学 - 初中英语 - 英语口语

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