- 名称:冀教版必修3高一英语课件Unit3 The computer
- 类型:高一英语课件
- 授权方式:免费版
- 更新时间:03-19 13:02:11
- 下载要求:无需注册
- 下载次数:6128次
- 语言简体中文
- 大小:467 KB
- 推荐度:3 星级
《冀教版必修3高一英语课件Unit3 The computer》下载简介
冀教版必修3高一英语课件Unit3 The computer&the information age-grammarGRAMMAR TIMETHE PASSIVE VOICEIn the last unit,we talked about one type of passive voice:be—passive<be+pastparticiple>.This class we will learn other types of passive voice1 Get doneIt is an important expression of passive voice,which is frequently to emphasize action<show some examples on the screen>1>I got caught in th,
名称:冀教版必修3高一英语课件Unit3 The computer,我们己经对冀教版必修3高一英语课件Unit3 The computer进行杀毒,以保证您的安全下载冀教版必修3高一英语课件Unit3 The computer,下载的压缩文件如果需要密码那就是 http://www.wenxue9.com,冀教版必修3高一英语课件Unit3 The computer的文件大小为467 KB。
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