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英语爱情诗-When I love

[10-18 21:00:14]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  爱情诗歌大全   阅读:8230

概要:英语爱情诗-When I loveI feel that I am the king of timeI possess the earth and everything on itand ride into the sun upon my horse.When I loveI become liquid lightinvisible to the eyeand the poems in my notebooksbecome fields of mimosa and poppy.When I lovethe water gushes from my fingersgrass grows on my tonguewhen I loveI become time outside all time.When I love a womanall the treesrun barefoot toward me…英语爱情诗的拓展阅读:爱情诗的古代起源和当代情诗写作 爱情诗是世界文学的滥觞,中国文学由《诗经》开始,官方文学中始有了爱情诗的记载。最早的中国情诗可能是诗经中的

英语爱情诗-When I love,标签:爱情诗歌散文,现代爱情诗歌,http://www.wenxue9.com

  英语爱情诗-When I love

I feel that I am the king of time
I possess the earth and everything on it
and ride into the sun upon my horse.

When I love
I become liquid light
invisible to the eye
and the poems in my notebooks
become fields of mimosa and poppy.

When I love
the water gushes from my fingers
grass grows on my tongue
when I love
I become time outside all time.

When I love a woman
all the trees
run barefoot toward me…


      爱情诗是世界文学的滥觞,中国文学由《诗经》开始,官方文学中始有了爱情诗的记载。最早的中国情诗可能是诗经中的第一首诗:《国风》之《周南》篇中的《关雎》:关关雎鸠,在河之洲。窈窕淑女,君子好逑…… 爱情没有模式。有欢乐的爱情也有痛苦的爱情,有清纯的爱情也有压抑的爱情。正因为如此,写情诗,是不能遇先设定题材的,因为一旦加上题材,就好像被困笼中的小鸟一样,意念只会受到限制。爱情诗怎么写?看对象而定!如果对方是个有内涵的人,就不要有肉麻的字眼,字里行间要时时流露出对他(她)的关心、欣赏和赞美,力求做到纸中无一爱,心中全是爱。如果对方是个直白的人,你们就可以极尽肉麻之能事,大胆表达。什么语言最直接,最有杀伤力,最疯狂,最让人想入非非,就坚决用什么语言,保管情书一到,立见神效。


        英语爱情诗-When I love
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