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[10-18 21:00:14]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  电影台词   阅读:8490

概要:如果警察干的出色 那还要我干什么? if the police to stem the excellent that I dogood job 好样的!Zaima I sentence you bastard 你再骂我句混蛋如果你们不缴械投降的话,那么你的脑袋就给他垫屁股,他的脑袋就给你垫屁股,而你,抽到了下下签,你的脑袋归我 If you do not disarm them surrender, then he gave you the head butt pad, he gave you the head butt pad, and you, signed under the next, you head to the I


那还要我干什么? if the police to stem the excellent that I do

good job  好样的!
Zaima I sentence you bastard 你再骂我句混蛋
如果你们不缴械投降的话,那么你的脑袋就给他垫屁股,他的脑袋就给你垫屁股,而你,抽到了下下签,你的脑袋归我  If you do not disarm them surrender, then he gave you the head butt pad, he gave you the head butt pad, and you, signed under  the next, you head to the I

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