概要:英语故事 草地上的月亮The Moon over the Grassland随风潜行 这是一个好时节This's a good time to sneak around with wind舞曲由慢到快 浪推着浪向前Dance tune goes slow and then fast and wave pushes wave forward墨守成规 在礁岩上撞得粉碎Against the reef routinism is crashed into pieces只有扑翅而起 掀起残秋金黄的落叶Only soaring up with flapping wings can stir up the golden fallen leaves of the fading autumn多么辽阔啊 我们的世界Oh how vast our world那些收割者相拥着坐在稻田Those reapers sit on the rice field side by side他们把从容编织起来 点燃They weave leisureliness up and then set
英语短故事 草地上的月亮,标签:初中英语文章,初中英语学习,http://www.wenxue9.com
英语故事 草地上的月亮The Moon over the Grassland
随风潜行 这是一个好时节
This's a good time to sneak around with wind
舞曲由慢到快 浪推着浪向前
Dance tune goes slow and then fast and wave pushes wave forward
墨守成规 在礁岩上撞得粉碎
Against the reef routinism is crashed into pieces
只有扑翅而起 掀起残秋金黄的落叶
Only soaring up with flapping wings can stir up the golden fallen leaves of the fading autumn
多么辽阔啊 我们的世界
Oh how vast our world
Those reapers sit on the rice field side by side
他们把从容编织起来 点燃
They weave leisureliness up and then set it on fire
With noble souls to write poems under the moonlight
月光 大地的情人
Moonlight, the lover of the earth
Your water-like light washes away the secular dust
The little grass in cold wind has bid adieu to shyness
And is affectionately singing the tenacious utmost beauty
风瑟瑟 夜深深
Wind is howling while night is getting deep
月亮千年的情 青青草地
The moon's affection has lasted for myriad years over the green grassland
Thousands of poems with grown-out wings
Cannot call out the outspread sleeves of the Moon Goddess to brush off the sadness
Tag:轻松学英语,初中英语文章,初中英语学习,英语教学 - 初中英语 - 轻松学英语
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