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英语寓言故事 破镜重圆

[03-22 21:22:02]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  英语小故事   阅读:8303

概要:英语寓言故事 破镜重圆南朝陈国(公元557-589)将要灭亡的时候,驸马徐德言把一面铜镜破开,跟妻子各留下一半。双方约定:如果将来夫妻失散了,就把它当作信物。后来,夫妻二人真的失散了,凭借着各人留下的半面镜子,他们最终又得到团圆。In the Northern and Southern Dynasties when the State of Chen (A.D. 557-589) was facing its demise, Xu Deyan, husband of the princess, broke a bronze mirror into halves. Each of them kept a half as tokens in case they were separated. Soon afterwards, they did lose touch with each other, but the two halves of the mirror enabled them to be reunited.“破镜重圆”这个成语比喻夫妻

英语寓言故事 破镜重圆,标签:英语短文故事,英语短篇故事,英语教学故事,http://www.wenxue9.com
  英语寓言故事 破镜重圆


  In the Northern and Southern Dynasties when the State of Chen (A.D. 557-589) was facing its demise, Xu Deyan, husband of the princess, broke a bronze mirror into halves. Each of them kept a half as tokens in case they were separated. Soon afterwards, they did lose touch with each other, but the two halves of the mirror enabled them to be reunited.


  This idiom is used to refer to the reunion of a couple after they lose touch or break up
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