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中秋节英语作文 团聚

[03-22 17:14:21]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  初中英语作文   阅读:8184

概要: 关于中秋节的英语作文 Every year The Mid-Autumn Festival in August 15 at this time the people all want to eat the moon cake, to enjoy looking at the moon, the moom is very beautiful.THIS Festival is also a family holiday .and we are also stay together.The family member are happy, because that day moon is round .but the most happy thing is we can get together .Also has many wonderful stories about midautumn festival's moon, is having these expectation, Midautumn Festival, We also enjoy

中秋节英语作文 团聚,标签:初中英语作文带翻译,初中英语作文网,http://www.wenxue9.com

  Every year The Mid-Autumn Festival in August 15 at this time the people all want to eat the moon cake, to enjoy looking at the moon, the moom is very beautiful.

  THIS Festival is also a family holiday .and we are also stay together.The family member are happy, because that day moon is round .

  but the most happy thing is we can get together .

  Also has many wonderful stories about midautumn festival's moon, is having these expectation, Midautumn Festival, We also enjoyed looking at the moon this year.

  That is the Mid-Autumn Day in my mind. I will always re-member: East or West, home is best.
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