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当前位置:问学网常识网经典语句经典台词恋恋笔记本经典台词-恋恋笔记本经典画面» 正文


[10-18 20:37:21]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  经典台词   阅读:8660

概要:恋恋笔记本经典台词精短两句这是开头老年Noah的话I am no one special,just a common man with common thoughtsI've lived a common lise.There are no monuments dedicated to me.And my name will soon be forgotten.But in one respect,I've succeedede as gloriously as anyone whoever lived.I've loved another with all my heart and soul and ofr me that has always been enouth.Noah 对 Allie 表白的时候And when I see something that I like,I gotta ha-Ilove it.I go--I mean,I go crazy For itI can be FUN,if you




I am no one special,just a common man with common thoughts

I've lived a common lise.

There are no monuments dedicated to me.And my name will soon be forgotten.

But in one respect,I've succeedede as gloriously as anyone whoever lived.

I've loved another with all my heart and soul and ofr me that has always been enouth.

Noah 对 Allie 表白的时候

And when I see something that I like,I gotta ha-Ilove it.

I go--I mean,I go crazy For it

I can be FUN,if you

Tag:经典台词电影经典台词,韩剧经典台词经典语句 - 经典台词

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