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[12-09 20:52:53]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  初二作文   阅读:8629

概要:Begin I was nine year old, I had a wish. I wanted to be a doctor. Because I wanted to help the people. When I saw the people die. I was sadly. Because I can’t help them. So I wanted to be a doctor. When I will be a doctor, I will help the people to overcome the illness. But I will be a doctor I must have lots of knowledge. So I must study very hard now.www.wenxue9.com

Begin I was nine year old, I had a wish. I wanted to be a doctor. Because I wanted to help the people. When I saw the people die. I was sadly. Because I can’t help them. So I wanted to be a doctor. When I will be a doctor, I will help the people to overcome the illness. But I will be a doctor I must have lots of knowledge. So I must study very hard now. 

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