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[10-18 20:57:14]   来源:http://www.wenxue9.com  英语作文   阅读:8460

概要:英语作文:梦想人梦想,有梦想,那钢琴家。When passing a small piano, see piano were filled full of piano, I think, if I have a piano that be nice Yeah, if I can pop up on the piano melody that be nice 呀. Later, my mother finally bought me a piano, and then gave me and found a teacher. Every Sunday, Zhu teachers must give my last class, every day I have to practice piano for an hour. Just began to feel a lot of fun, a bit Xianfan a long time, but in the mother's help and teacher's encouragement, I f




When passing a small piano, see piano were filled full of piano, I think, if I have a piano that be nice Yeah, if I can pop up on the piano melody that be nice 呀. Later, my mother finally bought me a piano, and then gave me and found a teacher. Every Sunday, Zhu teachers must give my last class, every day I have to practice piano for an hour. Just began to feel a lot of fun, a bit Xianfan a long time, but in the mother's help and teacher's encouragement, I finally stuck with it, this summer I have also passed the 6 piano exam. I played music growing nicely, I have friends and family Doukua "Little Pianist."


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